Crazy X-Stitcher Etc

July 24, 2009

Start Sewing again – 230709

Filed under: Uncategorized — xstitcherzo @ 9:22 am

Eversince I got my overlock machine service again (well 2 weeks ago). The man came down to house, he literally took apart the machine till the skeleton. he clean, rub, dust, all the manly words used to clean rust and make into 90% brand new. He took 3hrs and charged me only S$40. I was scared stiif that it was going to be so expensive.

So I started sewing…more like hemming my mum’s sarong. I cut a pair of long trousers for Adam. Switched over to my ever trusty Sakura sewing machine of 11years of not having to be serviced in all those years that I had her. Its going to be a her…since she is Sakura brand. Repaired 3 of Adam’s trousers. Boys have a knack for wearing out the underside faster than they rip out the pockets. Sew the trousers.

Going to Chinatown this evening to pick a hem gauge (if they have) and elastic bands. I don’t think I am going to stop at 1. I have more to make. With the National Day coming up, Adam wants to wear something white and red to school. I probably make 3/4 for me.

It’s best I make full use of the fabrics that I have bought over the years but was too sad to cut them. Time to re-change and get those things out of the boxes and in better use. After I live only once…what use would it be once I am dead. They cant bury all my treasures with me.

Going on to 34, woman have grown more and more practical and grounded.

33weeks yesterday and feet is badly swollen. Could feel the baby moving slowly against my tummy. I guess he too does not have enough space to swirl about. Going for another check up on next Monday. Primary 1 registration for Adam on next Wed and Thurs. Depends if I manage to get to register him into 1 school unless no more vacancies.

It’s certainly not easy, walking around with huge tummy. Going to measure my tummy this evening and more photos…so that i can scare myself once I’ve delivered.

Cheers and I am outta here.

July 3, 2009

030709 – 30weeks and walking like penguin

Filed under: Rants — xstitcherzo @ 10:54 pm

So 29/06/09 came and we have to be there early to do my glucose test aka blood test, husband blood test, scanning for the baby, see the doctor and lastly collect medicines. Left the house around 7am. Board the bus to the nearest mrt station and all the way to Novena mrt station.

I decided to try my luck at taking the shuttle service since I have no idea where it was located…hehehe. We waited for awhile and finally the shuttle bus came and reached the hospital at 08.03am. I went to Clinic C to do my whatever that is necessary but instead was told to go to level to do the scan first. So out and up we go. We are the first couple there. 15mins later, we were called in.

This time I got an Indian lady sonographer. She was so kind as to explain clearly everything to me. Showed me where is the face, how to make out the eyes, nose, hands, legs, placenta, fluid in my stomach and I still dont understand how she make out something grey as to be the scrotum. I am going to leave that to the expert as to me it just look like one grey blob. We got three scans from her. We saw the baby yawning, clutching and unclutching his hands. Move his feet and to me it looks like he open his eyes. The beauty of technology.

So off we go down again to Clinic C to do the routine urine and blood pressure check. I gain 500gm. My bp is 126/80. She took manually as the machine still cant take proper reading on my arm. So I waited for my turn to be called to do the glucose test. While waiting there is a chinese lady ahead of me. She was holding a medium size like Mc Donald coke drink. She was practically trying not to cry while drinking the glucose. Oh man that is really scary I said as I would be doing just that. Drinking that horrible drink. Another chinese lady came out. She took was holding a cup of it. She was sipping it.

Oh god, it cant be that bad I consoled myself. I was wondering why do they even make us drink that solution if 1 of them is sipping slowly while the other 1 was crying. Another indian lady came and sat next to me. She was asking me, why was she crying. I said she had to drink that glucose. She just turn and looked at her again. Before she can said anything, the nurse called her. She came out with her rolled sleeve. So blood test done.

Then it was my turn. The nurse took my blood. It was not painful when she prick me. So out I go with the drink in my hand as I was told to drink it outside. So husband’s turn to do his blood test. I sip a little bit as I dont want to kill myself because of it. The liquid is translucent in colour. Smell like orange juice. Tasted like as though you have diluted 6tablespoons of sugar in it. After the sip, I just gulp the whole thing down in 2 secs. Silly woman for crying over this kind of drink. It just tasted sweet but not something that is over-bearing and horrible. Its like drinking your coke with extra sugar only. Silly cow I mumbled before heading back in to show the nurse my empty cup. She gave me plain water to wash it down and I was to come back again in 2 hrs time to take another blood test.

So off we went to wait to see the doctor this time.  By 9++ we had seen the doctor. Not much questions as usual. She asked if any pain, water leaking, bleeding. Just my normal swollen feet = remedy for it to raised up my leg. Not useful advice if you asked me. So I got my monthly blood pressure pills (Dopa) + Obimin, vitamins and folic acid for baby. She said that since the scans from the sonographer showed that the baby is too big. She is worried that somehow it might be related to me having gestational diabetes. So in 2 days time, they would call me up after the blood test to notify me if I need to come down again and to take insulin medication this time. Horiible thoughts came to mind. The only way I have seen people taking insulin is by jabbing themselves at their tummy.

That is scary enough just thinking of it. Doing it to myself is worse. When I told her that the baby weighs 1.96kg, she said its normal. So is that a good news or bad news as what I read from internet at 7months baby should weigh around 1.1kg and mine exceeded by another 800gm. So off we go again to wait for my number to be called and this time for payment. So by 11++ we are done and gone for breakfast. I picked  up the medications on my way home that includes submitting the prescription and again wait for the number to be called.

03rd July 2009 – KK did not call so that means I dont have to take insulin. Thank God!

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