Crazy X-Stitcher Etc

June 19, 2009

7 months & Counting

Filed under: Rants — xstitcherzo @ 2:35 pm

I admitted that I am hopeless at blogging now that I am back to working in front of 3 bosses. Should I get internet connection at home. I have been thinking of that for the past year. All my lame excuses was that I need to spend more time with Adam and his studies. Now that I am nearly about to ‘pop’ my another excuse was I need rest, sleep and just massage. All this internet thingy wingy is just making me tired.

Well it does makes me tired after seating down at a marble chair that is flat and have no massaging device installed to it. It has make my butt numb, thus leading to my spine being sore from seating up straight for too long.

Another lame excuse just came up, I need time now to bond with the new baby…so internet thingy wingy would have to wait for few more months…maybe years..just maybe another year. As all that surfing and reminding me to seriously unpacked my boxes that I had stocked since November last year. Reminding me of all the stashes that I bought over a period of 2003 till 2008, awaiting to be stitched…or some to be completed. I have one sampler that is meant for someone (family) that still waiting to be completed after 6yrs delay. Looks like it is going Pregnant in June 05to be further delay.

I leave you with new me. I chopped off my hair. I am fully experiencing the pregnancy torture chamber. Breakouts, oily scalp, oily face, expanded nose, forever aching back, stuck baby in pelvis. Bloated, swollen feet and thighs. Kids stare at my feet as though I am some kind of mutated species. The swollen feet looks like dumplings ready to burst at seams. I walked like penguin.None of my clothes fit me…I have resorted to making more bigger sized skirts to fit me thru. Cant buy any maternity clothes, its like gold. Freaking expensive for just few months torture. 2 days shy from 7months pregnant. Yes, I complaint but I am enjoying every pain moment each time the baby turns and turns. No, he (Yes! It’s a Boy) He don’t swim but he turns constantly. No fixed timing. morning, daytime and nighttime. After I have eaten, feeling hungry. He only kicks me, to remind me that I need to go for toilet breaks.


  1. Congratulations: Adam is going to have a baby brother !!! πŸ˜€ Now you can think about the baby name !!! πŸ™‚

    Internet at home is very useful especially when the kids have homeworks where you have to find something very specific πŸ˜‰ But you know: it also has a turn off button πŸ˜‰ like the TV, the radio, and so on … πŸ˜€

    DO you have a maternity leave in your country? Enjoy your pregnancy πŸ˜‰

    Comment by Chiloe — June 19, 2009 @ 8:57 pm | Reply

  2. congrats on having a boy!

    Comment by Dawn — June 20, 2009 @ 1:30 pm | Reply

  3. Time really passes so quickly…and now you are already in your seven months stage. Family bonding is still the most important thing, compare to the rest. Take care and looking forward to your little bundle of joy.

    Comment by Cindy — June 20, 2009 @ 10:05 pm | Reply

  4. you look amazing! πŸ™‚

    Comment by MadMaz — June 21, 2009 @ 2:02 am | Reply

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